Friday, October 28, 2005

All About Love and Shopping in MK today....

i finally watched Andy Lau's All About Love today at Langham place w/ terry today!! it was good!! but i didnt cry till the very end...compared to bawling throughout most of the Wait Till You're Older!! haha....anywayz...we also went shopping in MK and took sticker pics today!!! haha..silly us didn't know what buttons to press and the time just ticks was so fun tho!!! haha...and i bought 4 items of clothing today! so happeeee....even tho we were planning to go to Disneyland today..but it doesnt matter...we can go later on =) our alternative today was very fun toooooo!!! =DDD and after the movie we took pics w/ the characters there....=DD keke....

--> me and shrek!

--> me and batman:

--> me and ding dong:

--> me and totoro:

--> me and pooh:

--> sticker pics!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Vivv's hair model and watched Flight Plan...

today i hung out w/ wini and vivv.....i think i'm really gonna miss spending most of my weekends with them when i go back to van =( i "volunteered" to be vivv's hair model for her hair class this afternoon...i thought it was going to be so bad since she told me she would have to corn roll my hair...but turns out she only had to practice a little....haha....what acutally happend was she had to massively curly my WHOLE was so funny cuz she kept complaining about how much hair i have and that it would take forever to curl my didnt take THAT long...but she did a good job!! =DDD keke....yay....then they were supposed to use their creativity to design as many hair styles as they could with the curled hair....vivv ended up doin 4 styles on me....err....kinda...haha...very "cao kay" did some styles...haha..while the other students spent a lot of effort....vivv's effor was very "vivian"..kaaka....but still looked nice!!! thx =D then wini came and "rescued" us.....we left soon after she came.....and i finally got that "Flora" shirt i wanted at Izzue!!! it was on sale! keke....then after went to eat at KFC and watched FLIGHT PLAN!!! which was GOOD!! i liked IT!! the whole movie's mood was really tense and "lan hai" scary...but it's not really....but it did make me want to keep on watching till the end! no boring parts! haha.....jodie foster's acting was great...of coz la.....anywayz....great movie! =DDD then we walked around cwb for awhile....wanted jap & dessert...but no luck...nothing good to be found.....oh yea...wait..thx to wini i got a "new bra"....kakakaka..anywayz...yeaaaaaaa....soon after we both left since cwb was boring us...haha....=PPPPP

anywayz..this week is reading week!! i'm SUPPOSED to be reading...aiii..i have so much to do...yet i want to go to soooo many places!! grrrr...i'm busy w/ school till nov 5th!!! when my finance MT will be over! wakaka....i cant wait....then have to start on all the papers due at the end of the sem.....aiya.....want to die la..=( but i dunno why i'm so worried when my grades don't count??? i guess i'm too used to worrying about my grades....sigh.....programmed mind....and i dont want to go back to SFU w/ 4 C's.....that would be so YS!!!! they send you on exchange cuz you're "supposedly" good at school...but you come back just passing...that would just be wrong! hahha...=PPP
anywayz....hope to go to Disneyland this friday!!!! =DDDDDD
omg ppl give me ideas on a theme for halloween decoration!! i need to get decorations sooon!!

pics of my hair by vivv:

Friday, October 21, 2005

SFU Alumni Event @ Landmark tonite was KEWL!...

today i went to the SFU alumni event at landmark with terry, chris, and was SO COOL! is the 40th anniversary of SFU and the president, Micheal Stevenson (i know his name now! hahhaaa) is on an Asia tour and one of his stops is Hong Kong (his last stop actually) is also the 25th anniversary of the SFU alumni association in HK...anywayz...i guess it was a lot to was held in the Gloucester Tower on the 43rd floor!! so coooool..the view was quite awesome!!! =DD but it was kinda awkward being at an alumni event when we STILL have not graduated yet!! hahah....just that we are exchange students in HK..and they decided to invite us as well =DD keke...anywayz....the president came around and stopped to talk to was sooo weird....not much to say to him....haha...but we also took pics with him as well..kakka =PPPP we were telling him how we like SFU a lot more than HKU (which is the truth!!! i mean i know what is quality education now!! hahah..or maybe it's just the business profs at HKU)....oh well.....the BEST part of the night was of course the FREE FOOD and OPEN BAR!!!! first these ppl brought around dishes with cute little fiinger food....which were quit interesting...and also orange juice too..which i had like 3 cups...but terry had at least 6!!!! ahhaa.....she was "high" on vitamin C...kakkakaa.....=PPP anywayz...slowly we migrated to the food area and just kept on eating all the dishes..hahaa....and omg the desserts were sooooo yumeeeee.....carrot cake!!!! which i havent had in SO long!!! and also they had the cutest strawberry tarts which smelled so good too....that was the best...and there were these pure white and dark chocolate balls!! omg delicious to the MAX!!!! =DDDDD *droolz*...keke....and then the president gave his speech...he mentioned so many new things going on at SFU BBY..and all these new buildings....and me and terry were like HUH? where are these buildings? did all these things happen within the 3 months we were gone???? and C lot is gone now too? omg is B lot moved even farther too? crap....i hope when i come back i still recognize SFU!!!!!! and he kept talking about the north and south side of SFU BBY...and i was like where? lost..i dunno my home campus very well at all!!! =( anywayz...while he was talking on and on about SFU....kinda reminded me how much i miss vancouver....i mean just these past weeks i have been saying how much i love HK and starr hall and how much i dont want to leave....but then tonight's event and his speech reminded me i do also miss my home...=( one of the things i've learnt on this exchange is that i don't think i'll ever get the best of both worlds....there's always things i have to give up or leave behind =( oh goes on i guess =)
anywayz....funnee thing is we saw of our 254 TA' more BLUE hair and gangster style! hahaa..he looked so SEE MUN..haha..that's why i didnt recognize him.....but he recognized terry tho! haha...=PPP he looked so embarrassed when i asked him where his blue hair after some picture taking....we left and now i am here in hall and it's SO quiet cuz most of the locals are at home for the weekend......and the freshmen are outside dem gun cheers.....i can hear them loud and clear...."we are stars we are stars we are starrians....we will get we will get the champions...." hahaha...i know...the cheers are SO GAY....."we are starrians of pokfulam road".....keke....but no matter how gay they are...i still love starr hall...last night me and sabrina were talking about how when we first moved in....our perception of hall wasnt very good...we just thought we bought a bed space and that's all...but as time passed we have grown to love our hall and the "gwai sook gum" just comes from the orientations and floor/unit events....and i guess just as time start to grow fond of a place..especially the ppl there.....and there's always st going on here...every night floor soup...floor gatherings....and when nothing is happening that seems awkward....oh wellz....rite now i just hope i dont get reverse culture shock!!!!
anyhoo...tomolo is HKU open day!! and starr hall has open day tooo!!! ppl come and seeeeeeee =DDD (if you're in HK and have nothing to do =PPPP)

--> me and sabrina (i love you roommieeeee)

--> blurred pic of SFU's president:

--> me and the president:

--> terry me chris:

--> us 3 again hehe:

Thursday, October 20, 2005

High Table Dinner 2 @ Ho Tim Hall again...

just came back from HTD#2........this time it wasnt as exciting....haha..maybe cuz it was at ho tim hall....kinda lost the htd mood..haha...but we were there early...and when ppl starting pouring in it started getting fun again! hahahaa......but it was like freeeeeezing cold in there!! the food was okay this time....not good...but not that bad either =P haha....anywayz.....this time we could sit in any order we wanted but still w/ our unit! kekek..=) i sat w/ a bunch of my 15/F gals....but i also made jeffrey sit beside me! hahaha.....thx for ur long arms =PPP was pretty fun!! high table is always so happpeeee =DDD and our guest was TSUI GIY JOONG!! OMG! first i forgot which songs he wrote....but then i remembered when he sang them..haha...first he sang a song he wrote for his FUTURE son..haha..called "sleep tight" which was really sweet...and then he sang FIONA'S "BOY LIKE YOU"!!!! i sang along!! was soooo goood....i mean his vocal range is awesome!! he's actually a really good singer....he actually said he is..haha....then he sang 2 songs w/ our warden..haha..oldies =)...Beatles' "Yesterday" and Bee Gees' "First of May".....pretty good tho both of them! haha...and then the warden told Jones (that's his eng name) that we had a request for him to sing "sum tam" that he wrote for JOEY!! was soooo goooooooooood toooo!!! i LUV that song! =DDDDD keke..he was the highlight of our night!! hehee.....the worst part was that it kept getting colder and colder thru the night......the AC was way to high! haha.....anywayz....afterwards some of us 15/F gals took crazy pics outside ho tim....hahhaa.....i luv you guys! *muah* i'll definitely miss high table even tho i hate finding clothes for it......btw i wore the same thing...just changed to a dress....kakkakak =P so tappy man! =PPPP


haven't updated in a while lu...

i didn't update for a few days..haha..seems like a long time....even tho time passes by so quickly when you're in's almost the end of october already...i only have about 2 more months left here..and i really don't want to leave!!!! at first it seemed like the 5 months would never be over...but now i don't want them to be over....i will really miss my floor and unit mates in starr hall.....i love my hall! i used to hate living in you could tell from my past posts...but then now i love it...there's so much "gwai sook gum" and i love all the fun we at 4 am in the morning, you can always find sb on your floor still awake that you could talk to...haha...and i'll miss sabrina especially...i love my roommate..i could never ask for a better roommate..i was so scared before that i would get a bad rommate....but i thank God for letting me live with sabrina....she's the best! =) we have so much in common and she's so much fun..haha.she makes me laugh all the time =D she keeps saying how worried she is b/c i'll be leaving soon and she doesnt want a new roommate....everytime she says she will miss me it makes me think about extending to one year.....but i know i can't, there's too much to do for that....=( oh well...i might come back in april...if i have enough money! haha....i want to live in the guest room!!! cuz at that time....the ppl living here now will still be the same!!! =) hehe..anywayz....starr festival is coming up soon...right after reading week....i'm going to be so busy that week b/c of finance mt and papers and stuff....but every night that week (oct 31-nov 4) there is st happening..and i so want to watch all of it..the first night is halloween and there is going to be a fashion show (which me and sabrina are MC for! haha) and a floor decoration and jeffrey are in charge of unit decoration!!! we have 50hkd budget!! omg what can we buy??!?!?! oh well..we'll figure it out..haha.....and then 2nd night is starr galaxy..ther is tug-of-war, mummy run, and fingerprint....3rd night is bazaar and drama....4th night is singing competition..and the last night is the high table dinner! and the day after i have my finance mt!!!! HELP!!! i'm gonna have NO time to study!! aiyaaaaaaa =( but oh wellzzzz....having fun is most impt la since i'm on exchange kekekekkee =PPP hall life is way too much fun!!! =D and we're playing secret angel and master again but it's w/ the whole hall this time..haha..i wonder who i will get this time? =PPP keke this past week nothing much happend...except that i went to wini's dad's place to eat see fong choi!!! which was AWESOME again!!!!! the food was SOO YUMEEEEE and we had so much fun!!!! i will miss wini and christine so much.....=( *sniff*

well..i'm in the lab now..waiting for my 4 o'clock class...then i have high table dinner number 2 tonight!!!!'s gonna be fun..i think! =P except we're having it at ho tim hall again!! yeee.....but what matters most is WHO you're eating w/...not WHERE rite? kekekekeekekek =PPPPP i think we're sitting by unit again this time...=DDD i luv my unit! =) yay 14-15/F...i luv you guys!!
(k terry is "chwey" me to leave now..bibi) update later on high table #2!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Halloween Bash at Ocean Park!!...

Tonight (sat night) i went with Terry, Ceci, and Laurence to the Halloweeen Bash at Ocean Park --> Ha Lo Wai! was SO MUCH FUN YET SOOOOO TIRING!!! it was basically lining up EVERYWHERE....for the bus...for the cable car....for all (2) the houses we went to.....and the worst part is the ocean park site LIES about the transportation!!! omg we were bussing from cwb and took 72..which the site SAID!! but then we ended up in WAH FU!!!!!! omg.......totally didnt know what to do..where we after asking nice nice ppl....we got to ocean park after wasting an hour...=(......but at ocean park.....the decorations were pretty coool but lacking signs of where the scary places were!!! so we were just like....where do we go?? haha..but first we took the cable car to the mtn and went to the 2 scary places there....first to "freakshow" and then to "asylum".......omg it was SO SCAREEEEEE!!!! i screamed at EVERYTHING and didnt DARE look at some ppl coming towards and terry were squishing each others fingers throughout the whole thing and i think i was pushing laurence forward the entire time cuz i was scared the 'ghosts' would come and attack me from behind......wakakaka.....overall it was a fun fun fun nite even tho the line ups were killer!!! hourish wait for each!!! including the cable car!! i think...or was that like 1/2 hr.....yeaa....but that was fun toooo!! never sat in the cable car at nite before...the view is really breathtaking!! and the coool fresh breeze was a change from the smoggy air......=) oh oh oh...and i saw these ppl eating this GREEN "pao bing" and i HAD to get it!!!!! while we were lining up for the asylum i went and got it!!! it was YUMEEE and really refreshing!!! i dunno why it was SO HOT tonight even tho the weather wasn't hot...i think it's cuz there were SO MANY PPL there all of HK went to ocean park or st......= kaka...there were 5 scaree places in total but we could only make it in time for 2....oh well it's okee since the waiting and walking kinda decreased the enthusiasm we had already....but stilll the 2 were really fun already and they are pretty much the same anywayz....SCAREE!! and i think they were sacrier than the ones at fright nite at PNE!!! but i like how PNE's lines are shorter and you kind find all the houses easier tho! =P i guess i can't have the best of both worlds....kekee...=P

--> me and terry waiting in line:

--> me drinking the yummmee GREEN pao bing:

--> the Asylum:

(i didn't take many pics of the decor there cuz i didn't feel like it...haha...too hot and too tired from waiting =PPPP)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

went to Lamma Island today!!!!....

today i went to lamma island with sunny couw foo and auntie jenny!!!! it was SO MUCH FUN!!! keke......and i didnt get seasick either...yay!! i went there once last year but it was just as fun this time tooo!! so the first thing i did when i got there was of course take a picture in front of "taste of love's" restaurant....where flora filmed for couple of months!! kekeke =PPP "zee ding" action of mine..kaka...and then we went to Shelly Express cake shop to eat yummmmmmeee cheesecake!!!! i remember seeing her shop on a food show on tv......she makes all the cheesecakes herself and they're super yummeeee.....we had tofu, grapefruit, and cookies and cream cheesecake!! omg so creative! and yet so yummeee! =) then we went to 'walk mtn' for most of the day..stopping by little shops and little restaurants along the way....keke....omg ate so much! =P i got bitten by a mosquito toooo wuwuwuwu =( but auntie jenny had so much fun spraying "mun pa" water on me.....i think maybe the excess attracted the muns instead of shooing them away kakaa = oh wellz.....i took a lot of pics too.....a lot of scenery.....but good thing it wasnt too hot today so walking wasnt that bad.....and then walking back....ate of the best places is called "thai thai food" for 'choon siew'....yummmeeee satay sauce!! and then we stopped by this amber jewelry shop....and the lady inside is SO WEIRD to the MAX!! she calls herself "foo gwai jeh" and she literally FORCES you to buy stuff....kakak...she really luvs my uncle tho...who's been there a couple of times.....they both bought more amber's supposed to be really good for your health.....but she's SO funne cuz she calls everybody DARLING.....and she SCREAMS at you and stuff...oh my..i was quite scared..and she thot sunny couw foo was my dad....sigh happens all da time man...and before we left she FORCED sunny couw foo to buy me a necklace...kakka.....thx tho!'s just a tiny little's good tho....i'm supposed to rub it and wear it 24/7.....i am....i feel healthier ?!?!?! kaka.....and then soon after we left lamma island and ate dinner at ho choi seafood restaurant near my i'm back and washing my beddings after they sprayed insecticide!!!!!

--> the "zee ding" action:

--> Shelly's cake express:

--> tofu cheesecake:

--> grapefruit cheesecake:

--> cookies and cream cheesecake:

--> me and shelly, the cheesecake maker:

--> 'artistic' pic taken by my uncle:

--> 'aritistic' pic taken by my aunt:

--> "foo gwai jeh" @ amber shop:

Friday, October 07, 2005

History and Science museums...

yesterday me and terry went to the History and Science museums in tst!! omg they were so fun!! i luv museums!! keeeee =DDD we spent most of the day there and wednesdays if FREE admission! was goooood =)) i took like 457 pics....i ul some of them la....go to this link to seeee:
there was so much to see at the history one!!! all these chinese history stuff was quite interesting!!! =DDD and then the science one was kooool too but i like science world better!!! this one the stuff is too spread out.....
anywayz..then after we went to Granville Road...and SHOPPPED!! i bought lots!!! i was in need of i got some and got some long sleeves too...see i'm so prepared for the winter time! kekeke...=PPP but it was funnnn i luv that street!!! "to get unstuck in time" was filmed there!! =PPPPPPPP and then we met up with biew jeh and went to eat pasta at fat angelos!!!!! it was okay la....i like antons much better tho!!!!!!

keke....tonight we had double floor soup cuz my floor made floor soup and 14th floor made soup as well!!!! kaka...our floor made "fan shoo tong shui" yum yum yum and 14th floor made "ching bo leng" i had tong shui and soup tonight!! omg so stuffffed!!! good thing i only had noodles for dinner..kekkee....scared i would be hungry tonight but i had so much SOUP!!!! the "joo gwut" in the soup was super yummeee!!! =DDD and plus we had warden visit tonight...pretty scary actually....i'm glad i'm don't have to go thur re-admission for next year cuz they take it really seriously here...i mean they silently keep track of your prescence at these events and jot down how you perform and stuff.......really freaky actually.....and ivan gor hinted to us that we shouldnt be so tappy anymore =P cuz ppl have already complained about some freshmen on our floor being too tappy or beeing to "seen".....aii...i'm glad i don't have to be involved in this...that would be too much pressure.....i guess it's cuz so many ppl wanna live at starr hall..the competition is so fierce...*shudders* was a very happy night! =) had lots of fun with my floormates!! haha....on the other hand i didn't get any work done!!!!! haha...oh wellz =P i'm supposed to be having FUN on exchange and that's EXACTLY what i'm doing! =PPP

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Dinner w/ Christine and Fireworks!!...

tonight i met christine in cwb to eat dinner at 'red ants'!!! really cute and yummeee food!!!!!! it reminds me of those fusion restaurants in van....the menu is cute! haha..=P we had 3 dishes plus 2 desserts!!! (look at da pics!).....aww it was so nice to see christine again!!! i haven't seen you in ages it seems!!!! thx for taking me to eat at a cool place! time we go to that tst restaurant k? kaka....we took crazy pics too! keke..=DDDD and then i went home (my uncle's house) to watch fireworks!!!! they weren't THAT great..but they were okay la...there were star shapes....and the ending was cool...but other than that it wasn't anything special! = kaka.....but i did freak my aunt and uncle out cuz i was half way out of the window taking pics and videos...haha....=PPP after the fireworks my uncle VOLUNTEERED to drive me back to dorm..haha...that's a first!! haha..and tonight auntie jenny's family was over to have dinner and he made 7 dishes but he still gave me some of 3 dishes to take back to dorm for my lunch tomolo! =) nice huh? well i'm back at dorm now and it's so quiet here cuz ppl are back at home or away on dead here.....tomolo gonna watch 'cheung hun gor'....=D YAY! =)

--> the cute menu:

--> first dish: minced meat/mushrooms on a cucumber-like vegetable (really cute!!):

--> 2nd dish: mix of curry and black pepper with meat and ox jeens (really cool):

--> 3rd dish: "peen pai" duck 'pizza' (really interesting!):

--> dessert 1: green tea and red bean 'cake' (very yummeee):

--> dessert 2: melted chocolate volcano (omg to die for!!!!!):

--> crazy pics w/ christine:

--> fireworks: