Friday, October 28, 2005

All About Love and Shopping in MK today....

i finally watched Andy Lau's All About Love today at Langham place w/ terry today!! it was good!! but i didnt cry till the very end...compared to bawling throughout most of the Wait Till You're Older!! haha....anywayz...we also went shopping in MK and took sticker pics today!!! haha..silly us didn't know what buttons to press and the time just ticks was so fun tho!!! haha...and i bought 4 items of clothing today! so happeeee....even tho we were planning to go to Disneyland today..but it doesnt matter...we can go later on =) our alternative today was very fun toooooo!!! =DDD and after the movie we took pics w/ the characters there....=DD keke....

--> me and shrek!

--> me and batman:

--> me and ding dong:

--> me and totoro:

--> me and pooh:

--> sticker pics!!!


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