Sunday, October 23, 2005

Vivv's hair model and watched Flight Plan...

today i hung out w/ wini and vivv.....i think i'm really gonna miss spending most of my weekends with them when i go back to van =( i "volunteered" to be vivv's hair model for her hair class this afternoon...i thought it was going to be so bad since she told me she would have to corn roll my hair...but turns out she only had to practice a little....haha....what acutally happend was she had to massively curly my WHOLE was so funny cuz she kept complaining about how much hair i have and that it would take forever to curl my didnt take THAT long...but she did a good job!! =DDD keke....yay....then they were supposed to use their creativity to design as many hair styles as they could with the curled hair....vivv ended up doin 4 styles on me....err....kinda...haha...very "cao kay" did some styles...haha..while the other students spent a lot of effort....vivv's effor was very "vivian"..kaaka....but still looked nice!!! thx =D then wini came and "rescued" us.....we left soon after she came.....and i finally got that "Flora" shirt i wanted at Izzue!!! it was on sale! keke....then after went to eat at KFC and watched FLIGHT PLAN!!! which was GOOD!! i liked IT!! the whole movie's mood was really tense and "lan hai" scary...but it's not really....but it did make me want to keep on watching till the end! no boring parts! haha.....jodie foster's acting was great...of coz la.....anywayz....great movie! =DDD then we walked around cwb for awhile....wanted jap & dessert...but no luck...nothing good to be found.....oh yea...wait..thx to wini i got a "new bra"....kakakaka..anywayz...yeaaaaaaa....soon after we both left since cwb was boring us...haha....=PPPPP

anywayz..this week is reading week!! i'm SUPPOSED to be reading...aiii..i have so much to do...yet i want to go to soooo many places!! grrrr...i'm busy w/ school till nov 5th!!! when my finance MT will be over! wakaka....i cant wait....then have to start on all the papers due at the end of the sem.....aiya.....want to die la..=( but i dunno why i'm so worried when my grades don't count??? i guess i'm too used to worrying about my grades....sigh.....programmed mind....and i dont want to go back to SFU w/ 4 C's.....that would be so YS!!!! they send you on exchange cuz you're "supposedly" good at school...but you come back just passing...that would just be wrong! hahha...=PPP
anywayz....hope to go to Disneyland this friday!!!! =DDDDDD
omg ppl give me ideas on a theme for halloween decoration!! i need to get decorations sooon!!

pics of my hair by vivv:


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