Thursday, October 20, 2005

haven't updated in a while lu...

i didn't update for a few days..haha..seems like a long time....even tho time passes by so quickly when you're in's almost the end of october already...i only have about 2 more months left here..and i really don't want to leave!!!! at first it seemed like the 5 months would never be over...but now i don't want them to be over....i will really miss my floor and unit mates in starr hall.....i love my hall! i used to hate living in you could tell from my past posts...but then now i love it...there's so much "gwai sook gum" and i love all the fun we at 4 am in the morning, you can always find sb on your floor still awake that you could talk to...haha...and i'll miss sabrina especially...i love my roommate..i could never ask for a better roommate..i was so scared before that i would get a bad rommate....but i thank God for letting me live with sabrina....she's the best! =) we have so much in common and she's so much fun..haha.she makes me laugh all the time =D she keeps saying how worried she is b/c i'll be leaving soon and she doesnt want a new roommate....everytime she says she will miss me it makes me think about extending to one year.....but i know i can't, there's too much to do for that....=( oh well...i might come back in april...if i have enough money! haha....i want to live in the guest room!!! cuz at that time....the ppl living here now will still be the same!!! =) hehe..anywayz....starr festival is coming up soon...right after reading week....i'm going to be so busy that week b/c of finance mt and papers and stuff....but every night that week (oct 31-nov 4) there is st happening..and i so want to watch all of it..the first night is halloween and there is going to be a fashion show (which me and sabrina are MC for! haha) and a floor decoration and jeffrey are in charge of unit decoration!!! we have 50hkd budget!! omg what can we buy??!?!?! oh well..we'll figure it out..haha.....and then 2nd night is starr galaxy..ther is tug-of-war, mummy run, and fingerprint....3rd night is bazaar and drama....4th night is singing competition..and the last night is the high table dinner! and the day after i have my finance mt!!!! HELP!!! i'm gonna have NO time to study!! aiyaaaaaaa =( but oh wellzzzz....having fun is most impt la since i'm on exchange kekekekkee =PPP hall life is way too much fun!!! =D and we're playing secret angel and master again but it's w/ the whole hall this time..haha..i wonder who i will get this time? =PPP keke this past week nothing much happend...except that i went to wini's dad's place to eat see fong choi!!! which was AWESOME again!!!!! the food was SOO YUMEEEEE and we had so much fun!!!! i will miss wini and christine so much.....=( *sniff*

well..i'm in the lab now..waiting for my 4 o'clock class...then i have high table dinner number 2 tonight!!!!'s gonna be fun..i think! =P except we're having it at ho tim hall again!! yeee.....but what matters most is WHO you're eating w/...not WHERE rite? kekekekeekekek =PPPPP i think we're sitting by unit again this time...=DDD i luv my unit! =) yay 14-15/F...i luv you guys!!
(k terry is "chwey" me to leave now..bibi) update later on high table #2!


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