Friday, October 07, 2005

History and Science museums...

yesterday me and terry went to the History and Science museums in tst!! omg they were so fun!! i luv museums!! keeeee =DDD we spent most of the day there and wednesdays if FREE admission! was goooood =)) i took like 457 pics....i ul some of them la....go to this link to seeee:
there was so much to see at the history one!!! all these chinese history stuff was quite interesting!!! =DDD and then the science one was kooool too but i like science world better!!! this one the stuff is too spread out.....
anywayz..then after we went to Granville Road...and SHOPPPED!! i bought lots!!! i was in need of i got some and got some long sleeves too...see i'm so prepared for the winter time! kekeke...=PPP but it was funnnn i luv that street!!! "to get unstuck in time" was filmed there!! =PPPPPPPP and then we met up with biew jeh and went to eat pasta at fat angelos!!!!! it was okay la....i like antons much better tho!!!!!!

keke....tonight we had double floor soup cuz my floor made floor soup and 14th floor made soup as well!!!! kaka...our floor made "fan shoo tong shui" yum yum yum and 14th floor made "ching bo leng" i had tong shui and soup tonight!! omg so stuffffed!!! good thing i only had noodles for dinner..kekkee....scared i would be hungry tonight but i had so much SOUP!!!! the "joo gwut" in the soup was super yummeee!!! =DDD and plus we had warden visit tonight...pretty scary actually....i'm glad i'm don't have to go thur re-admission for next year cuz they take it really seriously here...i mean they silently keep track of your prescence at these events and jot down how you perform and stuff.......really freaky actually.....and ivan gor hinted to us that we shouldnt be so tappy anymore =P cuz ppl have already complained about some freshmen on our floor being too tappy or beeing to "seen".....aii...i'm glad i don't have to be involved in this...that would be too much pressure.....i guess it's cuz so many ppl wanna live at starr hall..the competition is so fierce...*shudders* was a very happy night! =) had lots of fun with my floormates!! haha....on the other hand i didn't get any work done!!!!! haha...oh wellz =P i'm supposed to be having FUN on exchange and that's EXACTLY what i'm doing! =PPP


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your pictures in the museum especailly that TV one haha I wanna go!!!!

2:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what in the world is being "tappy"...?!?!
w/ ur feet? or head? or fingers? XD

10:13 PM  

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