Thursday, September 15, 2005

didn't update for awhile...

this week i have been busy getting school stuff's all good now! haha..and plus floor-o!!! it was really tiring at first and i didn't like it at all but now i like it cuz i luv my floormates! hahah...slowly my dorm is feeling more like home....floor-o does really serve its purpose....we 24 girls have grown closer and me and sabrina feel more "gwai soook gum" to 15/F now! wakaka
and my floormates are so nice and cool! haha...we are cooking together for floor-o tonight! haha.....our group made sandwiches and tong sui "zee mi lo".....kekek...we are so "tat pay" man...wakaka....i've learnt so much chinese slang living in "tay pay", "aow" for steal, and lots more ga....oh yea "sheung jong"....hard to explain what it means here tho.....anywayz....classes have been boring.....i only like finance cuz the prof can actually teach....omg....mkting..i have an overly excited prof who moves around like a puppet...and business law he always goes overtime and so i'm always late for HR after! grr..and HR is the funniest class of all....funny in the sense that we spend the entire time laughing at her err....english...and her "you know" and "right?" every other second.....omg....she's too funne...wakaka...=P we want customers to be "certified" at the end of their stay in a hotel.....OMG...hahah.....i couldn't stop laughing at that

hmm....nothing else much happened this week....o yea me and terry went financial calc hunting on wed.....too $$ so getting it from van...thx to terry's biew jeh foo...and my parents of coz for getting it for me!

o yea...we are having this "maste and angel" game going on in our hall..and ours is between our floor andthe guys 14th floor.....and as angels, we are supposed to give little gifts to our masters....but last night we got so mad cuz our angels havent given us anything while we have been so nice to our masters!!!! so we taped up their pigeon holes!!! wakakka...and they responded by taping up ours and writing "dwey loons" was so's now taped up in our elevator this moment i havne't received anything from my angel but i have been so nice to my master....he gets stuff in his pigeon hole everyday!!!! if i find out who my angel is....grrrr....=P
and pic of me and terry in the nice bathroom corrider of pacific place on wed=P

just finished cleaning the pantry and ate what we cooked! actually really yummee...had pasta finally!!! haha....and omg so tired from cleaning the pantry!! we threw out so much expired stuff from the was GROSS!!! and ewwww...but anywayz...too tired now..gotta shower!


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