Friday, September 09, 2005

school is getting better!...

last night i was able to change one of my the right times i wanted!! so YAY for that!!!! but annoying finance...i still can't into the times i want!! or else i would have wed off as far i have fridays off...but i went to school today b/c i missed the law class yesterday....=P anywayz..i got all my books today and it was only 977HKD!!!!! 150CDN for 4 books!!! that is SO cheap...well...relatively..compared to SFU!!!!!! so me pretty happee la! =P kekeke....and today's law class was not that bad....FINALLY a prof that can speak proper english!!! he's british tho....he doesn't have much of an accent tho....except for "GUDS" when i think he means GOODS...wahaha....i almost burst out laughing.....i was like WHUT?? when he said it....oh wellz...=PPP and i don't have to go to the floor-O beach party today b/c i wasn't feeling well last night....haha...and i told them i wasn't feeling well today either...i'm okay but i just dun wanna go b/c i'm scared of the mosquito bites.....=S i'm gonna be in my dorm tonight watching RAIN!!! wakakak..i gotta watch as much as i can before the school work starts piling on...=( so much to do!! =( and read..=( and terry going to stefanie's concert tomolo!!! woohooooo! and i might be getting a hair cut toooo....o uncle finally helped me "hoi toy" for a phone i'll be getting a new number soon.....=P i'll be "orange" like flora....wakakak..=P
o yea i just found out that on our floor we have "floor soup" every week...each room takes turns making the "floor soup" each week.....hahah..YAY that means i get SOUP at least once a week now!! wahahaha...=PP but i'm not looking forward to the one me and sabrina make..hahhaa....err..i only kinda know how to make one of my fave soups...which is the one with corn, carrots, and some kind of meat......hahah...but it's yummeee but i'm not sure how it'll taste when i make it!! ai..haha.....


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