Friday, September 02, 2005

Macau was FUN, HOT, and YUMMEEE!!!...

i had sooo much fun!!! even tho i was sweating buckets!! it was even hotter than HK!!!
so on wed me elaine and terry met up at shun tuk at 11ish to go to macau.....omg the ferry ride was horrible!! i wanted to puke right when i got on the boat.....but soon after i fell asleep and it wasn't so bad afterall...then when we got off we met up w/ terry's yee ma who took us on a bus that "dao lo" around macau...haha..but it was good so that we could see most of macau! hahaha...for a first time tourist like me...everything was fascinating and i took lots of pics of stuff i don't even know! hahah...and we got off to this "meen deen" restaurant to eat terry's fave "coconut chicken noodles" it was soooo yummmeeee and plus we also order some other famous dishes tooo which were also very delicious...then we walked around "3 lights" and then to "the new street" with all the very portuguese looking buildings and went happy picture taking there tooo..hahah..oh my it was just so hot....sweat..haha..and then afterwards we went to eat "tofu flower" which i didn't eat cuz i don't like the "mouth feeling"..haha..and it was at this time that terry realized her "fa kay sum" drink spilled in her bag and she had to hold her bag funny to keep it from getting her bum wet....kakakak.....and then we went to "dai sam ba".....i think this was the hottest time of the shirt was soaked thru by this grossss...eww..hahah...but we still took lots of pics and then we unwillingly walked up to this "nice garden" (elaine..hahah) that had these canons on the edges and the macau museum too....terry: "isn't the garden nice tho?"...elaine: "okay the garden is very nice, let's go"....wahahahahaha....oh my by this time we were so hot and tired that we were kinda out of we headed back to the new street and had ice cream at haagan dazs......humph what i rip off...we went upstairs to eat and it was so $$$$!!!! aiii...but oh wellz...we were too tired and hot....haha....and it was a rip cuz they said there was nuts and whipping cream and there wasn't any and our ice cream was half melted by the time we got it and we had to ASK for spooons..oh my......anywayz..then after we took the bus to the macau tower and i was like OMG I HAVE TO GO UP AND WALK OUTSIDE!!!!!! i remember watching bowie walk it on tv..and i was like if i ever go to macau i will definitely walk it!!!! and I DID!!!!! wahahah....i was sooooo excited!! and terry and elaine thought i was nuts!!! but eventually i persuaded elaine to go with me!!! i luv u lo por! hahaha.....even tho she has "wai go" she came w/ me!! IT WAS SOO MUCH FUN AND VERY THRILLING! AND NOT SCARY AT ALL!! quite exhilirating! hahaha.....welll kinda $$ at the same time...220 to go up and do the SKYWALK X!....first we went up to 58 level...the observation level and took lots of pics and there was the see thru glass....and we took pics lying on it!! hahaha.....and then we went up to 61 where the skywalk and bungee jump was!!! next time i wanna do the bungee jump or skyjump!!!!.....anywayz...we had to put on these orange suits that were quite hot!! and then it was only me and elaine going with this tour many ppl were starring at us as we went out and while we were walking outside too..these little kids were like "omg they're going to jump!!" we reassured them that we were just walking! hahahha....and some guys were like "see those girls are should go too" whahahaha...anywayz..we were hooked up to these ropes attached to the top and the first thing our tour guide told us to do was to walk to the edge and look down!! ahhh it was soooo cooool!!! elaine was holding my hand and i could feel her hand shaking!! haha..but after awhile she got used to it and she wasn't scared anymore....then basically the rest of the skywalk x was just to tell us about macau and what we could see from up there and take pics at different positions....i bought the pics at the end..$100...but hey it's a once in a life time thing....i might as well get the pics too! hahaha....yea...and terry was inside taking pics of us too!! hahaha.....thx sweetie! keke...and the tour guide saw her and there's this pic of her inside and us outside! kekeke.....i don't remember how long the whole skywalk x took but i wanted to last longer! hahaha....i think 1/2 hr gwa..haha..oh my it was just SO MUCH FUN!!! i called my uncle after i got back to HK and he couldn't believe i did it...haha..i'm not so chicken as you thot! muahahah....
anywayz..after that we got our CERTS that proves we "walked the walk" hahaha...and a nice pic too!! and then elaine had to go back to HK that night....awww
and then terry's biew jeh came to pick us up and we had portuguese dinner with her yee ma and family!!! yumeee
then afterwards she drove us around macau airport and also to "hand letter street" and walked along "eat street"...where we went the 2nd day to pig out! hahahah...and O YEA OMG WE HAD THE BEST DURIAN ICE CREAM was like eating DURIAN in every bite!! and NOT ice cream!! sooooooooooooo goooodd
ahhh....then it was home after!! her yee ma's house's view is SO NICE!! she lives in "tum jai" and you can see all 3 bridges there and the casinos and the PWeETTY!! KEKE

2nd day:
got up around 10 and then we walked down to take the bus to "hand letter street" and "eat street"....and right where the bus stopped was outside the place to get durian ice cream!! we ate it AGAIN!!! the guy there recognized us and looked at us funnee..hahha...but it's SOOO GOOOD!!! we wanted to have it a 3rd time before we left but we forgot....
then we went to eat "crackers" at "yut hing tong"..yummee....freee trials are coool..haha...then we went to this place to eat "mook hong bo deen"....yummeeeee..i had green tea flavour.....and then we went walking around first cuz we were SO FULL by that time already!! hahaha..then we went to "guey gay" to get more freeeee trials and i bought lots of "crackers" for my parents!!! and some for my uncle and gong gong por por!! kekeke..=)
and then we met up with biew jeh to eat "fresh milk tarts"!! omg sooooo yummeeeeeeee....yet soooo fillling!!!! hahaha..and then we went to their factory and got free pants!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!....and then we walked around the area and shopped.....oh and we had "joo pa bao" tooo....yumeeeeee...then we met up with yee ma and jeung jeung (these are terry's but i call them that too...=PPP haha) and then had dinner at yaohan and then took the ferry back to HK!!!......thx so much terry's yeee ma....jeung jeung and biew jeh for taking us around and giving us pants and chiang eat and letting me live at their house!!....*MUAH*!!! made this macau trip soooo gooood!!!!

--> us 3 on the ferry to macau:

--> arrive in macau!

--> a volcano! haha..i forgot why they are builing this...and there's this "fisherman's wharf" too!

--> lots of scooters in macau!

--> Yummy restaurant to eat "coconut sauce chicken noodles"...

--> in "new street":

--> terry's wet bag: =PPPPPP

--> finally see the "dai sam ba"....

--> the museum of macau...doesn't this seem so real? keke..=PP

--> at the "nice cannon garden":

--> one of the bridges:

--> lying on top of macau! =PP

--> (thx to terry who took the following pics!!) and elaine trying to put on those orange suits!

--> all dressed up!

--> all set to go!! (233m above the ground!!)

--> our first instruction was to go to the edge and look down!!! sooo exciting!!

--> me having the time of my life!! wahaah...

--> me posing for my cert pic..hahha..=PP (so exciting dangling my feet 233m above the ground!!) wahahhha

--> (2nd day)...where to go and eat durian ice cream!!! VERY JIANG!!

--> "fresh milk tarts":

--> "eat street":


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