Monday, August 22, 2005

Golfing is fun!!...

today i golfed for the first time in my life....just went to golfing range actually...but omg it was so much fun! and sooooo uncle and aunt went and i had nothing to do today so i just followed them and my uncle taught me how and i only golfed for about 15 mins but my shirt was soaked from sweating already....eww....and it wasn't even hot at all today!!! rain rain rain still....aii....but hehe.i wanna go's so fun and good exercise tooo! =DDD
then afterwards we went to "lei ging wan" area to walk along the harbour....and then afterwards go get drinks...yummee....and then went to taikoo mall to shop but surprisingly i didn't get anything! =( ai..i'm in neeeeed of pants/skirt/shorts!!! =( and now i'm home waiting for dinner! i think we're having salad...yea..had 3 home cooked meals today....was eating out ever since i got here...home cooked foood is gooood! =D

pics today:
--> me golfing!!!!!

--> me and my uncle at lei ging wan:

--> me at some drink place in lei ging wan:


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