Sunday, August 21, 2005

got all soaked today!!...

omg...i've never been so soaked ever in my life!!! it was pouring the ENTIRE day and never stopped and was really heavy throughout!!! ppl complain about rain in van....but i think it's even worse here!! prob cuz i don't have my car!! aww i miss my babee =( yea well today it was so and terry were wearing the same shoes....and our shoes and socks were all wet! it felt so yuccckeeee...ewww =(
and my jacket got soaked too so even when it was cold i couldn't wear it...i hope i don't get sick!!! aiya.... was raining so hard this morning that i had to take the taxi from my house to HKU to meet wasnt that bad tho..only 58hkd...=P and she didnt get some stuff done some offices were closed/ppl didnt go to work today....and then we walked out to the busstop....(this is the start of me getting totally soaked) i said umbrella is so useless here! no coverage at all!!! aii..and then we went to central to meet her yee ma...and we're not going to taiwan anymore....cuz it's pouring buckets there even if we go we wouldn't have any fun! i think we're resorting to macau/cheng jau/lay do/ping jao now..kekek..oh wellz! =P
and then we went to wan chai to find her uncle so that he could drive us to her po po's house so she could get some clothes and so that we could temporarily dry ourselves off! hahaha....
and then we went to shop in a mall near chai wan 2 shirts...and then went to jusco...and i got another mickey shirt....from starrywood this time!!...=D it's nice! it's knit...very softty....
o yea....what got me so frustrated was when i went looking for a "pay" for my bed....and then i found this reaaaaaallly soft and comfy one!!! omg i like SO had to get it!!! i wanted the one in pink!!!! but they were out of stock for twin size!!! the lady kept going like "look yellow is even nicer!" or "green is nice too" or "why don't you get the pink in double size"...OMG!!! WHAT PART OF "I ONLY WANT A PINK TWIN SIZE" DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND???!!! i wanted so badly to strangle her! hahahaa.....terry of coz was beside me lauhging her head off!! hahaha... was so nice of my uncle to come pick me up afterwards cuz i didn't want to get even wetter anymore!!! thx!
and when i got home there were 4 watsons "lam yun mei" water bottles sitting in my rooom!!! ahhhhh...sooooo happpeeeeee....what a surprise!! keke..thx to my uncle! *muah*.....i wanted them so badly and he found them for me!! kekekee...yayayaya...i'm still missing one bottle tho...with lum fung and eason's face one.....oh well...i just wanted the chek hay and chiang ga wing one! kekeekeke....=DDD
well...since i'm not going to taiwan now....i have more time in HK i tomolo is sunday and i have no plans yet.....i think i'll just relax....=)

pics today:
-->me and terry:

--> our soaked pants and matching shoes =P

--> my watsons bottles!!!


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