Saturday, August 13, 2005

Flight to Hong Kong...

i'm in HK now!!! so happppeeee even tho my flight was delayed taking off and landing!! and it's raining so hard here and lightening and uncle had a hard time seeing the road driving me home.... i woke up at 830 for last minute packing...then went to safeway to get chunk ahoy's for wini! (they're crushed now tho!) and then went to the airport.....i was supposed to meet elaine there at 1030 but i was late...and so thankful for her lining-up and *muah* to my lo por cuz she is just so sweet la! haha....always taking care of me and watching out for me!!! keke...then after checking in we went to eat at 7th heaven w/ my family! yumeee....and so happy my sister came all the way from work to eat w/ me!! and say goodbye =( so sad...then we went to elaine's new house!! (gay! she lives in those nice condos on ur streeeet!! cool eh?) and i said my good-byes to my was so sad....i cried...of so "eye shallow" haha..but it was so sad!
on a brighter note...the flight was awesome!!! thx to elaine and vancci!!! =DDD it seemed to pass by so quickly and the food was good and the shows were gooood too....i finally go to watch madagascar and they had this british show called "gags" was sooooo hilarious i was laughing soooooo hard and Loud toooo wahahaha...=PP and thx to vancci we got to watch the last episode of super trio and some HH3.....the time passed so quickly cuz of that! kakaka..yea!
anywayz....when we almost got there it was "plane traffic jam"....we had to circle in the air a couple fo times.....and it seemed forever before we could land and finally taxi to the gate.....good thing customs didnt take long..but my 2 luggages seemed to take forever to come out!! grrr....haha..thx to elaine for helping me carry my luggage and stay w/ me to get them since she had none!! and so happy my uncle came to pick me up!! thx!! cuz it was pouring sooo hard that i would be so lost and scared trying to get home!!!...*muah* even tho he was complaining the whole way!! wahaha....anywayz...i'm home now and super happpeee i can get wireless int connection here....since my uncle FINALLY changed to broadband! *phew* dun have to deal w/ 56K dialup ever again! =P and i've spread all my stuff in "my room" that it totally looks like my room..wakakakkaa...but i'll be moving out in 2 weeks anywayz...i actually can't wait till i can move into starr hall so i can get everything settled in....well....i dun feel very sleepy at all cuz i slept so much on the plane...but i'll probably try sleeeping now! bibi for now!

this was taken in the car driving in the pouring rain on tsing ma bridge:


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