Saturday, September 03, 2005

inauguration ceremony today...

woke up bright and early this morning at 8 to go to this inauguration ceremony at HKU for new was really weird....."lan" formal gum..haha....oh okee maybe cuz SFU doesn't have these i'm not used to it....but it was also weird in a way that it felt like i was a freshman all over again.....hmm...HKU really gives the impression that it is a family and makes you feel part of st...whereas SFU is so not that! haha...i dunno...sometimes i wonder what it would be like if i spent my 3 years of university life here.....but no i woulnd't like to live in dorm for 3 years! muahaha...anywayz....there was just lots of speeches.....all were boring except for one...the one by rita fan....i think that's her name....i thot she looked familiar.....turns out she's one of those ppl on the legislative council...her speech was not entirely interesting but compared to the rest hers was the best! hahaha...yay! was SO hot wearing my suit.....i dunno how OLs do it everyday..and killer heels man..aii..i ended taking the bus back to dorm 2 stops! hahhhaa....nehoos....i'm back in dorm now...did laundry for the first time!!!! i hope it's okay....looks alright....=PPP anywayz..just heard that there's a flora function tonight...she's going to another premiere...shud i go? i's kinda pointless cuz i'm just going to be waiting outside for her for while she watches the movie...err.....i really really REAALLy wanna see floraaaa...but it's so much of a hassle...aiii...maybe i won't go..since i'm here for 4 months..i'm sure there will be another chance to see her..and today there's no guarantee i will see her for more than 5 mins! haha....aii....shud i go?

pics of our inaug:


Blogger miss vicky said...

Man you look like a judge in that get up of yours!! ;P

9:58 AM  

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