Monday, September 19, 2005

i dyed my hair today!!!

this and my uncle broke the silent treatment mood....actually he wasn't mad last night anymore...but i still apologized to him today even tho it wasn't entirely my fault...but i felt better since he was being so nice to me and making me all these drinks for my throat that i felt guilty not apologizing!....and so now we're back to how it was before.....yay! and he even made his yummy fried rice for me today! =) and he gave me a tub to bring back to dorm to eat....wahahaha..i got dinner now! =P anywayz....this morning he told me i had a hair appointment at 1.....he already helped me book it on saturday...but i guess he was too mad to tell me! = i went to patrick today....he works at "producer hair salon" now in cwb near lee gardens!! it's a much nicer place than where i went to him last year!! haha...and he said i looked 14!!!!! omg.....and he said last time he saw me i was only 11 rite?? was only 1 year ago that i saw him...that means i aged 3 years but i still look 14????!!!!! what the.....anywayz..haha...i was only gonna cut my hair....but i decided why not dye it anywayz since my brown was starting to look i cut about 2 inches..and thined it out a i feel lighter now...wakkaka....and then i let him choose which colour would be good for me....and he chose a purple-red for actually turned out really good and everybody said it matches me!! makes me look even whiter now....gosh...a ghost now? wakaka....and patrick says it makes me look 16 now! geeesh....haha...but patrick was so funnee.....and he really has a lot of "sum gay" to cut my hair..making sure everything is perfect......and he was fast too!! only was there for about 2 ish hrs.....and omg it was cheap too..i think it's cuz he knows i'm auntie's neice....he only charged me 464...i gave him 500.....and then later auntie and sunny couw foo said pay so much tips?? but in CDN it's like 6 bucks!!!! that's little....and i was scared i didn't give enuf tips! wahhaah....i dunno the standard of tipping's weird....anywayz..i'm gonna go to him before i leave...since it's cheap (cheaper than the place i go to in van!!) are pics of my hair!! (it looks different in different lighting....dark brown in no lighting...but really redish under lighting!):
--> me and my roommate sabrina!! (look at bearbear in the middle....poor him he's squashed by sabrina then he *muah* her after! keke...)


Blogger miss vicky said...

are u going to straighten ur hair like the salon did? looks nice! GHOST! hehehe watch for mine!

12:00 AM  

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