Saturday, September 24, 2005

embrace your shadow wasn't a very good movie la...

today i woke up sooo 7ish...cuz i was meeting my HR group at the central library.....but i had to go to sunny couw foo's house first so that i could drop off my stuff....haha...i tried so hard not to wake them up....but right when i entered....sunny couw foo said to my auntie "call the police, sb is breaking into our house!"...wakaka....geesh =P anywayz....i took a nappie before heading out to the library..i was gonna walk down there....but then it was typhoon signal number i didn't wanna get blown away =PPPP haha...well...we got most of our presentation done....we were fooling around most of the time tho...haha...imitating our prof most of the time...making sure our ppt slides looked like hers..haha...=PPP anywayz...afterwards we went to cafe de coral to eat lunch...then i went back home to do some work...but sunny couw foo tricked me that they were spraying pesiticide in his home too (the reason i left dorm today was that they were supposedly spraying it there as well) he told me to go to the 7th floor clubhouse to read gay...there was no spraying pesiticide at home!! i went up after reading some tvb mags..keke...then wini came over to hea for a bit cuz it wasn't time for us to eat dinner yet....we sat in my room being bored....then we suddendly decided to go and watch "zee oi" (embrace your shadow)..haha..we took the taxi there....the taxi driver thought we were dumb and repeated the directions on how to walk there many times..kakak...oh wellz....the movie overall was okay....but it wasn't great...the director tried to make it very artistic and slow....but the effect wasn't very good...and he didn't cut the scenes very well..and some parts were just too gruesome....i admit some parts were really touching...but it wouldn't be a movie i'd like to watch again tho....=P (terry you wouldnt want to watch it...not even if kwok bun chiew is pretty cute in!!!)....anywayz...after dat we went to pick my up in need of it!!! haha...and then walked around 10 dollar store....then went to eat at some japish restaurant in cwb..then got viv dinner from mcDs...and hea at her workplace for awhile and took random pics again!!!!! was nice going out with wini!!! i missed you lo gong!!!!!!! i have to see you at least once a week man!! kakaka...i'll notice when you go back to van ga!!!! XD

some random pics:
--> me wearing wini's "cool" hat....dats viv's mcnugget btw...=P
--> vivian from the "prairies" =PP kakkaka


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