Sunday, October 09, 2005

went to Lamma Island today!!!!....

today i went to lamma island with sunny couw foo and auntie jenny!!!! it was SO MUCH FUN!!! keke......and i didnt get seasick either...yay!! i went there once last year but it was just as fun this time tooo!! so the first thing i did when i got there was of course take a picture in front of "taste of love's" restaurant....where flora filmed for couple of months!! kekeke =PPP "zee ding" action of mine..kaka...and then we went to Shelly Express cake shop to eat yummmmmmeee cheesecake!!!! i remember seeing her shop on a food show on tv......she makes all the cheesecakes herself and they're super yummeeee.....we had tofu, grapefruit, and cookies and cream cheesecake!! omg so creative! and yet so yummeee! =) then we went to 'walk mtn' for most of the day..stopping by little shops and little restaurants along the way....keke....omg ate so much! =P i got bitten by a mosquito toooo wuwuwuwu =( but auntie jenny had so much fun spraying "mun pa" water on me.....i think maybe the excess attracted the muns instead of shooing them away kakaa = oh wellz.....i took a lot of pics too.....a lot of scenery.....but good thing it wasnt too hot today so walking wasnt that bad.....and then walking back....ate of the best places is called "thai thai food" for 'choon siew'....yummmeeee satay sauce!! and then we stopped by this amber jewelry shop....and the lady inside is SO WEIRD to the MAX!! she calls herself "foo gwai jeh" and she literally FORCES you to buy stuff....kakak...she really luvs my uncle tho...who's been there a couple of times.....they both bought more amber's supposed to be really good for your health.....but she's SO funne cuz she calls everybody DARLING.....and she SCREAMS at you and stuff...oh my..i was quite scared..and she thot sunny couw foo was my dad....sigh happens all da time man...and before we left she FORCED sunny couw foo to buy me a necklace...kakka.....thx tho!'s just a tiny little's good tho....i'm supposed to rub it and wear it 24/7.....i am....i feel healthier ?!?!?! kaka.....and then soon after we left lamma island and ate dinner at ho choi seafood restaurant near my i'm back and washing my beddings after they sprayed insecticide!!!!!

--> the "zee ding" action:

--> Shelly's cake express:

--> tofu cheesecake:

--> grapefruit cheesecake:

--> cookies and cream cheesecake:

--> me and shelly, the cheesecake maker:

--> 'artistic' pic taken by my uncle:

--> 'aritistic' pic taken by my aunt:

--> "foo gwai jeh" @ amber shop:


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