Thursday, October 20, 2005

High Table Dinner 2 @ Ho Tim Hall again...

just came back from HTD#2........this time it wasnt as exciting....haha..maybe cuz it was at ho tim hall....kinda lost the htd mood..haha...but we were there early...and when ppl starting pouring in it started getting fun again! hahahaa......but it was like freeeeeezing cold in there!! the food was okay this time....not good...but not that bad either =P haha....anywayz.....this time we could sit in any order we wanted but still w/ our unit! kekek..=) i sat w/ a bunch of my 15/F gals....but i also made jeffrey sit beside me! hahaha.....thx for ur long arms =PPP was pretty fun!! high table is always so happpeeee =DDD and our guest was TSUI GIY JOONG!! OMG! first i forgot which songs he wrote....but then i remembered when he sang them..haha...first he sang a song he wrote for his FUTURE son..haha..called "sleep tight" which was really sweet...and then he sang FIONA'S "BOY LIKE YOU"!!!! i sang along!! was soooo goood....i mean his vocal range is awesome!! he's actually a really good singer....he actually said he is..haha....then he sang 2 songs w/ our warden..haha..oldies =)...Beatles' "Yesterday" and Bee Gees' "First of May".....pretty good tho both of them! haha...and then the warden told Jones (that's his eng name) that we had a request for him to sing "sum tam" that he wrote for JOEY!! was soooo goooooooooood toooo!!! i LUV that song! =DDDDD keke..he was the highlight of our night!! hehee.....the worst part was that it kept getting colder and colder thru the night......the AC was way to high! haha.....anywayz....afterwards some of us 15/F gals took crazy pics outside ho tim....hahhaa.....i luv you guys! *muah* i'll definitely miss high table even tho i hate finding clothes for it......btw i wore the same thing...just changed to a dress....kakkakak =P so tappy man! =PPPP



Anonymous Anonymous said...

waaa! u seem to be having so much fun in hk!!! Too bad I am not coming back to hk in x'mas~ or else i can visit you and you bring me to your hall to play with other ppl too! hoho..anyway Take Care in hk! HK is getting cold ga la!!! Wear more clothes!!! ^3^ I will miss you and hope to take classes with you when you come back!!! keke..Take Care!!!

2:47 PM  

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