Friday, December 02, 2005


HTD4 is my last HTD.....yes yes i will miss felt weird..but it was one of the happiest HTDs!! keke...i sat b/w my bestest friends at roomie sabrina and kristen!! keke.....they were sad b/c it was my last one...but i had lots of fun!! keke..our guest was Chiang Dan Sheuy...."ah dan"...he was COOL....and gave a touching speech about how we should always follow our dreams now no matter what b/c we won't always be given a chance to go back and do it all over when we are facing challenges in the future..always to ask ourselves, do we really luv what we are doing? if yes....perservere till the end b/c eventually a road will be opened for you.......thot that was cool..even tho i knew that already...but hearing him just reinforced it...keke....dinner was good for once!! it was at ho tim again but this time the food was not so bad! =DDD but OMG......we saw a big FAT rat!!! SHIT!!!!.......good thing i finished eating..hehee....and then after HTD we took lots of pics outside...and after our floor meeting we all went down to the lobby and took pics with the christmas decorations......i will miss starr hall indefinitely.........=( dat's why i want to come back in april to visit!!!!! the ppl here have become like family and it's going to be so hard leaving them......i know i am going to cry on the day i leave..i can soooo see it...=(

so lately no update cuz busy with school...lots of projects and essays lately..and still some more plus finals are coming up in a week or screwed......really screwed......but i still want to go out and shop and eat and just not study!!! but i know i have toooooo!! grrrrr......

but but but..i am going to do what university students must do at least once in their 3 years at HKU......go and yum EARLY morning 3 am!!! wakaakakka..i'm excited!! =DDD

and me and my roomie just did laundry and took funnee pics outside or warden's flat and in the laundry rooom hahhahaaha

some pics from tonight:

i luv you roommieeeee...i'll miss the laundry room too and the nice nice view from there to..wakakaka...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i already miss you emz... i can't imagine what will happen on 6th Jan 2006.

1:16 AM  
Blogger miss vicky said...

Hey you're wearing my red old navy sandals...awww. I wish i was on vacation.

5:28 AM  

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