Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Update of past 2 weeks...

wow i haven't updated in almost 2 weeks! but dats cuz i was studying hard for my finance mt last week..hahah..but in tutorial today she went over the answers..hahaha....no comment....just glad it's marked on a curve!! =PPP kakak....

anywayz....guess i should start from Starr Fest week!
so Starr Fest started after reading week...and i was in charge of decorations with sabrina for my floor.....that was not so fun at all! haha....frustrating part was that our unitmates were not very cooperative in helping us 15th floor girls decorate our floor after we helped them..but thx to a select few...we managed to get our floor looking okay scareeee hahah...but doesnt matter...we weren't planning on winning either! kaka...but on that day (31st)....i went w/ some ppl in our unit to "choong lao" (go to each floor and see their decorations)....it was SO MUCH FUN!!! some floors were SO SCARREEE!!! they made it like a haunted house and 9th floor was the scariest cuz ppl were hiding behind and jumping out to scare ppl...and some person grabbed my ankle too...freaked me out!! i hope i didnt kick him to hard =PP keke..anywayz....o yea..on the same day in the morning was hall photo taking....my hall tee came just in time and it was pretty cool...seeing so many ppl wearing the hall tee at the same time.....i hope they develop that pic soon! =PPP keke...anywayz....after "choong lao"...it was the fashion show!!! and OUR UNIT WON!!! WOOHOO!! =DDDDD cuz ours was soooo freaking scareee....i mean robin's eyes were "fan bak eye" the WHOLE time....so freaky..haah...and yuki's "vampire" act was pretty "bok joon" too..=))) congrats congrats!
here's some pics from floor dec:

so the next day was tug of war and finger print!!! which i didnt take much part in!! haha..all i know was that we lost! hahaa...but the finger print part was that the whole hall finger prints their thumb on this bird image (our mascot??) i dunno..but it looked pretty cool after it was finished.....o yea....this same day at school, there was a cathay pacific recruitment talk!!!! omg it was about their MT (management trainee programme)..omg i SO WANT TO DO THAT NOW!!! but then what about CA? aiiiiiii..i dunno..i want to do both!!! it sounds like so much fun! i really really want to work for cathay!!! not just cuz of TS...haha...but just cuz.....airports and airplanes are really amazing places =DDD

on wednesday was the bazaar! i think that was the best part of Starr Fest!!! it was like going to a night market but all the stuff was prepared by us! kaka....our unit sold japanese "siew beng"!!! omg it was the BEST THING THERE!!!! hikaru...our japanese unitmate made them the whole night and it was soooo YUMEEE!! =) plus we also sold stuff to give to ur master...sai mi low...woon ziy chee...haha...i spent so much that night....EATING...haha...and other units that were good were WAFFLES!!! peanut butter and condensed milk and the waffles were heart shaped!! ahhhh so cute! haha....and also there were curry balls, siew miy, choon siew, wo teeps....and a lot more..i cant remember now!
pics from bazaar:
thursday nite was sing con....i didnt take pics...only videos...so cant post them here..i only watched ivan and rachel perform...they were the guests!! they were AWESOME!!!!! keke....

friday nite was HTD#3...at kamboat restaurant!! omg everything would be have been so good if THEY DIDNT PUT ME AT THE VEGETARIAN TABLE..OMG MY APPLICATION FORM SAYS I'M ALLERGIC TO SEAFOOD...THAT IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO VEGETARIAN...HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! i was like WTF???????!!!!!! but the FOOOD wasnt bad...haha...thx to the tutors table who generously offered me LOTS OF FISH AND MEAT when they saw me "sobbing" that i wasn't vegetarian..haha..the whole night i and some others that got MISTAKENLY put on that table were like OMG WE ARE NOT VEGETARIAN..and the tutors heard us and told us to sit at their table...haha..HELL no....dont dare with the warden!! omg! haha....and also penny and shebly's table was behind me so they gave me some PEOPLE food tooo..wakakakaaaaaa.....and afterwards on our floor we had a small b-day party for ppl who's b-day was from july-nov..haha.....which includes ME! wakaka =PP yumme chocolate cake! =P
pics from HTD: (isnt my roommie so BEAUTIFUL?? *muah* i luv you!)

so all this was taking place while i had to study for finance!!! so charm!! =((( but somehow i still managed it!! and at the same time....i was sick too!!! i was coughing and coughing!! but it wasnt a virus or anything...my throat got an allergic reaction to the air! omg...i think it was cuz the weather just started to change...now i'm all better now! and i have to take allergic medicine if i start coughing tho >.<>

and on saturday....had finance MT....omg it was horrible...unexpected "essay" questions?!?!?
whatever!!! then afterwards i went to my uncle's house and then went to watch CORPSE BRIDE with vivian!! omg IT WAS GREAT!!!! i luv the singing skeleton!! kekee....great movie!! =DD

sunday....went to walk mtn in SHEK O....omg the view up there was breathtaking.....yea..WHEN i got up there..omg 2 HOURS of CONSTANT UPHILL STAIR CLIMBING....i sweated like what i would sweat in a year in vancouver...i swear.....it was gross...but i dont think i've been so close to nature in HK till this day.....or even in vancouver i dont get tha close to nature...that is why i have this swellling red gross huge mosquito bite on my ARM!!! ewwwwwwwww and today standing outside HKU for 3 mins..i got 3 more BITES ON MY HAND!!! SO MY WHOLE HAND IS GOING TO BE SWOLLEN TOMOLO! =( good thing my floormate, ven ven, gave me some medicine to put on...i've been using "keung lick mo bay go"....haha..they have KEUNG LICK here..it's SO FUNNEE....like normal mo bay go doesnt work!! well..the keung lick has been helping somewhat...but i hope this cream ven ven gave me works even better =) supposed to stop the swelling!! keke...anywayz...after walking mtn...we had to kill time before dinner so we went to STANLEY to eat ICE CREAM!!!! yumeeee....so good after a long long long long long walk...hahaa....then afterwards we went to wini's dad's place for SEE FONG CHOI!! my 3rd time there!! SO GOOOOD! i luv that place!!!! we were there w/ sunny couw foo, alan gor gor, wendy JJ to celebrate auntie jenny's b-day coming up on thursday!! everybody love every dish and i got to try some new dishes toooooo!! and of course the wine....how could i forget the yummmeeee yummeee wine....wini's dad is so nice....always chiang me drink wine......white and red....i used to hate red wine....but then the kind he lets me try are SO GOOD for some reason...he says it has to do with the cup and stuff.....and he was teaching us a lot on wine...so much to know man! like the shape of the cup changes the taste of the wine....and european wine sux! haha..australian wine is actually the best!! wow.....i tried different shape of cup and it totally changed the taste of the red wine.....so COOL!!!

here i am standing on a cliff...i dared to walk out to this little platform....if i slipped...i would be rolling down to the shek o beach...it was so much fun tho!! looks like i'm standin in the middle of nowhere....kekekekee

so caught up till today...haha...today i went to have dinner with blinky....i was supposed to be able to see FLORA today!! but she left IFC early b/c the workers there were very impolite so she left...yea i luv her character! haha....anywayz...so she left before we all got there...sadly..oh well..i hope there's still another chance before i leave!! anwyayz...so blinky still came to my hall to drop of the 1000+ flora pics she got me!!! OMG.....SO MANY SO PRETTY SO HEAVY (to carry back to van) hahahaa.....but it's all worth it! KEKEKEKE...


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