Happy Family Dinner!!
tonight lum lum biew jeh..haha...(i called her that and it gave us both shivers) treated our whole family to dinner!! she's in HK on Google business but despite her busy schedule..she could get together with us to have dinner!!! it was in wan chai....ai..i forgot the name of the restaurant already..but all i know was that it was REALLY NICE.....expensive? not as much as the Christmas dinner she treated us to at "Yook Ting Heen" in vancouver!! haha...this was only 1/3 of that price..haha....i saw the bill =PPP haha..but it was still $$$ =PP but very worth it!!! and i just realized that me and my mommy arent gonna be at this year's christmas eve dinner!!!! it's gonna be at the same place and lum lum said she raised her budget this year!!! ahhh.....i sooooo wanna be there...how could i forget the yummmmmeee stomach bulging dinner? ai..oh well..lucky christophe and auntie annie will be there tho..haha...=) anywayz..tonight's dinner was sooooo much fun!! me and my cuz had soooo many laughs...basically the table was pretty quiet besides me and her rambling on in english..haha..making fun of the waiters description of the food and so on...haha...it' strange cuz i havent seen her in 6 months and seeing her in HK is even weirder...but i think this time we talked the most we've talked in like a million years..maybe it's cuz we've "matured"..haha..and plus both sets of our parents weren't there.....it was just me and her laughing away the whole night...hahaha..and plus her office is at the IFC so she's like shopping all the time...she said she'll buy me clothes and take me for tiffin's dessert!!!! omg.....so i'll be going out with her on friday! =) she said she understands what it's like being abroad and seeing family is just really happy...and it's true....seeing her made me feel really happy and i guess no matter how much we didnt 'talk' before...this time it was different.....we actually hugged..we never did that!! haha....=P i guess some relationships just grow with time and age...i'm glad i have a cousin like her...i mean i'm not really close with any of my cousins...but i think she makes the top 3..keke..and she said taking care of younger cousins is what being an older cousin is all about..awww...thx <3 o yea.....and afterwards..my 3 couw foo drove me back to hall in his porche 911.....i didnt even know he owned one!! he was going 150km/hr on pokfulam road..i was like omg this is sooo much fun!!! haha...mommy..he's not going to pick you up from the airport in that car tho....he said it will scare you! hehehe....and when i got back to hall..i saw the attendants staring at the security monitor screens and they even asked me...is that your car? hell no....but i wouldnt mind if it was! wahahahah
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