Wednesday, August 31, 2005

last day to see chris today! =(

today i hung out w/ my 4 gals from SFU....our last day together for 4 months!!! =( it was funnn!!....we met up in MK and shopppped haha.i got more clothes!! need to wash yet..muahaha....we spent most of our day in MK...i still need a new bag..haha..i luv the one i'm using but i think i used it so much it's starting to break..=S haha...and then we mtr to TST but soon after chris and aimee had to leave! =( we tooook pics! kekkee...and then me terry and elaine walked around a bit.....but was so tired by then...then we "hea" in McDs...AGAIN!! omg...i never go to McD in van that much...but in's like the only place we can sit forever hahahaha..there seems to be a lack of chairs in HK malls.....maybe that's why so many ppl go to McD...we had i-cream again...aiii...but i hope we walked it off after cuz we walked from mirimar (ahhhh...brought back so many memories of when i saw flora there last year!!! i really hope to see her again sooon..she's back in HK now!!!!) tsim east...ahhh....elaine left soon after and me and terry walked to avenue of stars and did the tourist things...take pics and see the lights was fun! kakak....

today's pics:
--> i'll miss ya chris!!!

--> HK night time scenery...

i luv the colourful reflections on the water...keke...

--> i luv stars!!! (outside one of the museums!)

--> the peninsula! (these are for u mommeeee!!)

my attempt at an "artistic" pic..wahahaha...=PP

i went picture taking crazy today..hahah...took like 100st pics....keke....

and now i have to pack to go to macau for 2 days 1 night!! keke.....update when i get back then!! =DD

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

chris is in HK!!!!...

chris is here in HK!!! finally!! the 4 of us are all in HK at the same time..wahaha....hehe..even tho elaine didn't meet up w/ us today!! but we are tomolo! kekeke..=PP
anywayz..this morning....still not used to waking up and realizing i'm in's time i had a dream i was sleeping in my own room in van...and woke up to realize i was in dorm..ugh..haha..but this morning i finally opened my bank acct!!...but too bad i'm only here for 1/2 year or else i could get a hsbc pre-approved credit card for free!! oh well..i dun really need it tho since i have debit at least!! =PP and i luv how they have this university thing where i dont have to have any monthly charges or keep a min amnt! woohoo! =PP yupz....hmm..did i already mention this in my last blog? er..oh wellz...then after i went to wellcome to milk and apples and 2 noodle king cup noodles just for emergency sakes....hahaha...but omg the elevator up was not working!! so omg i had to climb up those million stairs..i couldn't feel my legs i just "hea" in my dorm after that cuz i couldn't move..haha..then met up with terry in cwb to meet up with chris!! omg me so happee to see chris again!!!!! =PP and then we just hung around cwb for the rest of the spending time together!! cuz we won't see her for 4 months!!! =( and she was talking about how she can't wait to get back to breathe van air....aiii poor me and terry are stuck breathing this air for another 4 months....i miss my bed!! =( oh well.....other than that HK is still great and i'm still lovin' it! hahah...=DDDD which reminds me we had the McD choco ice cream again!! yumee..much better than van's McD's ice cream.i think it's cuz they use diff milk....sweeter....nummier...kekek

a funny of pic of terry and moi:

I have internet!!! yaaaaa

back in my dorm now....YES i have internet!!! i won't be as bored!!!
so here's some pics of my dorm:
--> view from my room:

-->my room!

the left side is mine!! hence the pink blankets and bear bear!! kekeke...i have more pics but too messsy kekkeeee....

@school rite now...

i didn't have internet for 2 days already!!! i'm at school now in the comp lab..i reg my network card..i hope it works later....i'll go back to dorm to seee...but i'm updating my blog now cuz i'm scared it won't work!!! ahhh....i feel SO lost w/o my internet....i feel disconnected from the outside world..hahaa..
anywayz....on sat....i finally moved into dorm in the morning..thx to my uncle and auntie who helped me move my luggages and went around finding stuff i still needed...and thx to terry for helping me move in.... dorm is really nice and clean...and LOTS of places to put pretty big wardrobe and lots of shelf space and drawers...actually too many places to put stuff that i'm scared i'll forget where i put stuff!! wahaha..=PPP
after moving on sat me and terry went to cwb just to walk around and shop at sogo....i kinda forgot what we did already..hahah....but i think i was buying stuff for dorm....
rite now i think i'm pretty much settled most of the stuff i needed...still need a basket thing for brining my stuff to the bathroom but my uncle got it for me...i just have to get it from him and also i have to move one of my luggages back to his house since only one luggage fits in the luggage space..oh wellz...=S and i really miss my "home" in hk....i wouldn't call dorm my home just lacks hahahaha...but i really miss living at my uncle's place (my "home" here)....yesterday (sunday) when i was yum cha with terry....i was on the phone w/my uncle and i couldn't help it i cried.....cuz he told me he missed me and asked me if i missed him and auntie!! yesss i did!!! it's that same feeling when i left my parents in van 2 weeks ago.....haiii...but i'm okay now!!!!! and my uncle said you know the way home ga can come back and live at my place whenver u want.....aww...but i think i gotta get used to living in dorm...i think it's just cuz i'm not used to living on my own.....but it's okay now.....and i'm thankful i have terry here w/ me experiencing almost the same feelings..haha....a shoulder to *cry* on...=PPPP kekeke...
anywayz...enuf softy stuffies..kekek....
yesterday i also met up w/ ivor in tst to eat dessert and just walk around harbour was quite interesting..haha....anywayz....and then we took the ferry back to wobbly....i felt like throwing up even tho it was like a 5 min ride only!! ugh.....seasickness...
so today i went to school to open bank acct and run a few errands....gonna go now..where to today? update laterz..hopefully on my laptop WITH internet tonight!!!! and pics to come later toooz...

Saturday, August 27, 2005

check-in to HKU and seeing KENNY!!!!...

today i woke up late so i had to take the taxi to Starr Hall!!! and thx tewwie for getting up early to come with me!! kekeke....and then i met the patrick like 3 couw foo...kekek...and then after some application form filling i randomly chose my own room and i got 1508A!! meaning 15th floor...8th room and side A!!! and they the 15th floor 晴軒!! it's not bad at all!!! and i met some ppl on my floor...all pretty nice...only problem is i'm told to hang my towel in my own room..hmm...oh okay...and there doesn't seem to be a hot water boiler..hmm...oh well i'll figure it all out tomolo when i officially move in!!! i'm sure i can solve most of my problems with wellcome near the hall....haha...=PP and it's pretty clean and LOTS of places to put lots of drawers and closet space...and book shelf space too!! goooood!!
and then me and terry went to a nearby "cha chan ten" to eat....pretty good!! and then we bussed to times funny on the bus....we smelled a smokey smell at the back of the bus and decided to move upstairs..then a not long after the bus stopped and we were all told to get off the bus cuz there was st wrong! haha..omg luckily the back of the bus didn't go on fire or st!!! so we had to get on the next bus!..keke...weird experience..
then omg omg times square i heard sb singing..and i'm like omg..sounds like kenny! and then omg omg omg i looked and it WAS kenny!!! keeeeee.....there was isabella too..but of course KENNY!! keke...i ran and took picssssss and a video too!! omg he's so cute.....but not like i haven't seen him at success before...but hey it's different..hahaa..=PPP so cuteeeeee!! =) just totally made my day perfect!! keee...
and the we shopped around a bit!! and there was this warehouse sale for trendyland!!! and omg i bought a lot of pooooh stuff...mostly for school and dorm!! so cute!!! i had no more money cuz i had to pay 750 to starr hall for key and air con deposits...etc.....good thing i had enuf money for that! terry had to pay for my trendyland stuffies first!!..keeeeee =PP thxxxx dearie...XD hahah...
then we got soft pineapple ice cream at 7-11.....too small but tasted less artifical than the mango i-cream from McDs.haha...
then after some walking we were pooped and walked to sogo and i'm home now!! gotta pack tonight.....but seems i don't have as much stuff as i thought i would!! keeee....
and stupid mosquito bite from 2 days ago swelled up....omg...need tea treee!!

kenny pics:

ahhh.i luv this one!! he loooks like a "bao"!! keee....and nice contrast against his very "ying" pose behind him!! keee

gadz--> these pics are for U!

Friday, August 26, 2005

stayed at home all day today!!...

yea well the title just sums up what i did today! haha..i officially stayed at home for a whole day today!! haha.i felt so lazy..didn't want to go out!!! i just bummed around and watched dvds all day long!!!...=) i have to pack still...cuz i'm moving on saturday to dorm!! gonna check-in tomolo!! and check out my room and see what else i still have to get....=S anywayz..hope everything goes well!! i just realized now that i'm packing how much stuff i already bought since i got here...good thing i didn't go out today..haha...meaning 0 dollars spent! =PP wakaka =PP

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Campus TV and Jusco w/ Terry...

omg...too much chinese/british-english slang today!!! i went up to HKU today to go to this campus tv (ctv) gathering for freshman production....but it wasn't what i expected!!! i thought it was like a introduction/information session...but omg we had to choose which groups we wanted to go into and start talking about what we wanted to film!!!! i joined general production but i wanted out like right away.....they were SO honger!!! i kept emphasizing i was an EXCHANGE meaning i dunno what the heck ur talking okay..yes this is honger to the MAX! hahah..but they used these terms that i just couldn't comprehend at all...and i don't have THAT much interest in television that i would like to go from brainstorming to it was doing film and tv but not for any credits..and i didn't even take film and tv in lfa!!! next time they call me i'll say i dun wanna do it anymore!!! cuz it's SOOO time consuming! and as ivor said...i'm here on exchange...of course i dun wanna be stuck filming some show!!! i should be out having fun!!! not like doing ctv isn't fun...i mean it seems very interesting but it's way too time consuming and i can't really communicate with those people...i mean i thought my chinese way okay...but listening to them talk....i just can't get all their slang....i was ???? most of the time....and also i felt SO bad cuz i dragged terry to go with me to the meeting...even tho she left early to do her reg stuff...but i kept her waiting for me like 3 more hours!!! oh my gosh i wanted out of that rooom right away!!!! but terry didn't mold by the time i got out hehehe.....and it was a good chance for her to do all her online sowwwie tewwie! keke...but thxxxx for waiting for moi!! *muah* but i don't know how to tell ctv i dun wanna do it anymore.....but ivor said just tell them directly since they get rejected all the time anyways! haha...oh okeee..=PPP
o yea and another funnee thing that keeps happening when i meet ppl at HKU is that they think i'm not 100% chinese!!!! they think i'm mixed!!! omgggg......which part of me looks non-chinese?? they're like...."is your dad a gwai lo?" wahahahaha....couldn't help bursting out laughing......they think that since i'm on exchange...somehow i must not be totally weeeeeiiiird...haha...i think i should die my hair back to black to avoid further confusion!! but can't they tell anywayz? seriously...too funee laa...kakaka

then afterwards me and terry were SO hungry so we found this little noodle place and had "pai gwut meen" (o gosh we had pork AGAIN!!!) ooooopsss=PPP
and then bussed to jusco and i finally got the PINK blanket i talked about before!!! they had stock!! one and only!!! and i got it!! match my pink beddding....hahaha...
and then we drank some ha foo cho and ate some coool/cute looking chocolate little cake...yummeee
we couldnt find seats in the food court but found some benches on the stairs and started eating our choco cake....but after awhile i saw this sign in chinese that said no eating on the stairs...muahahahhaha.....but oh well whatever we didnt care anymore and terry was like "we can't read chinese!!" hahahhaha...=PPP but then all of a sudden some alarm went off!!! hahah..and terry was like "what's that alarm for??" haha...but it went off after gooood...would have been so embarassing if sb came by and told us to go away! =PP

--> sticker pics from yesterday:

--> eating noodles!

--> i found another aaron fitness poster! hot!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

shopping w/ Terry and Elaine...

today i went to shatin! and i saw my po po toooo! i gave her a great big bear hug and she looked so cute smiling with her chubby cheeks! keke..i pinched her cheeks! keke...and she was very happy to have the pics of our family!! keke...she met me at hung hom...don't think she could wait for me to go to shatin to see her b/c she was coming out to "da pai" in wan chai..haiiii...i wished her "win more D"...kekeke =PPP
and then me and terry went to shatin...the huge mall(s)..and met up with elaine who took us around....didn't buy much at first...and then elaine left to work...and then me and terry went poking around ourselves......omg i bought so much today! and terry didn't keep me from buying either!! in the end after i said i wouldn't buy anything anymore..i ended up buying the same pair of black pointy shoes (flora style! =PPP) kekeke..i spent the most money today ever since i've been i'm not going to spend any money on clothing or shoes for the next while....but i got all the items of clothing i need (i now have pants to wear! haha) and i got an agenda tooo (thx to terry who found me one that is from aug 2005-dec 2006!!! first one i've seen and it's perrrrrfect!!!!) so that justifies my over spending today!! as i told budget is "fai" ge.....haha..i never am able to keep to it! so dead...but i decided that i would shop and get stuff now before schoool starts cuz once school starts i won't have as much time to come out and shop ga la! keke...rite? i hope so la! =D i need to save money!!! =S
so after a while we were soooo exhausted and were looking for chairs to just sit on..OMG there are no freaking chairs in that mall at all!!!!!!!!!!! we were desperately looking for a food court...but there were only little we saw a sign that led to a mcD but after a while didn't see it "where did the freakin sign go?" hahaha....we finally found a mcD and just plopped on the chairs and tried the mango dipped ice cream....okay....nooooo mango taste at was more like white chocolate taste!!! the chocolate one that we had yesterday was a lot betteeeerrrr!!!!! but oh well we were so tired we didn't care anymore..hahhaha
we walked some more..but were still tired....and then it was still early so continued walking..but the more walking meant more shopping and more good!
oh oh oh but we did take sticker pics!!!! ah it was sooo much fun!!! one pose we weren't ready and we ended up behind the curtain...and another one..terry jabbed me in the chin and that pic turned out pretttty hilarious..of coz didn't print that one out! wahahaa..=PPP
anywayz....then around 10 we left and went home! omg i missed the last bus that goes straight to my house so i had to take another one.....haii i felt so lost but i ended up getting off on the right stop! kekee..=PP
i feel kinda sick....sore throat...i hope i'll be uncle gave me some lavendar, tea tree, and peppermint oils to put on.....i hope it works! =P
too tired to post pics today (sticker pics) tomolo sin la! =PP

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

filming at HKU and out with Terry...

went to HKU this afternoon to film for Campus TV...they were looking for overseas students to be in their i just was quite fun! only i was the only overseas student that was chinese! hhaha..and that could speak felt i was a local student..even when i'm not la!! kekek...oh well..we filmed for about 1 1/2 hours...just walking around the campus and pretending to talk to each other gum la.....pretty weird..hahaa....but they will be showing it on the inauguration day..and throughout the rest of the year! omg....i didn't know that! oh wellz....nb will recognize me anyways! keke =PPP
and then i went to central to meet terry and we walked around for a bit...bought 2 shirts for mommy and daddy...matching polo shirts! keke =PP
and then ding ding to pacific place so that i could print pics for my po po tomolo...she's been calling and hurrying me....she just wants to see the pics..i dun think she wants to see me as much as the pics! hahahah.=S
yea...and then we just walked around pacific place....too $$ didnt get anything...and then we tried the McD dipped ice cream...yummeee and cheaper than van and they don't even have that in van McDs! keke..yum!! and then we tried looking for a little restaurant outside the mall to eat noodles..but very we just ended up eating at cafe de coral! they made the decor look more upscale!! koool...we shared a joo pa fan! haha...oops we ate pork!! oh well...
and then we went to park n shop to look for durian...but felt kinda full....we ended up buying ha foo cho to drink! hahaha...ching yeet ma! kekeke..=PP
and then we just "heeey" for awhile..sat there...we were so tired! keke.and drank our ha foo cho! haha.....then after awhile...we went home!!! talking to terry rite at this moment planning how to get to shatin tomolo to shop with elaine!!

pics today:
--> terry wanted to take a pic of those cute shrubs behind us..somehow you cant see them tho!

--> i found FLORA margarine! wahahaha

--> our ha foo chos! keke...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Golfing is fun!!...

today i golfed for the first time in my life....just went to golfing range actually...but omg it was so much fun! and sooooo uncle and aunt went and i had nothing to do today so i just followed them and my uncle taught me how and i only golfed for about 15 mins but my shirt was soaked from sweating already....eww....and it wasn't even hot at all today!!! rain rain rain still....aii....but hehe.i wanna go's so fun and good exercise tooo! =DDD
then afterwards we went to "lei ging wan" area to walk along the harbour....and then afterwards go get drinks...yummee....and then went to taikoo mall to shop but surprisingly i didn't get anything! =( ai..i'm in neeeeed of pants/skirt/shorts!!! =( and now i'm home waiting for dinner! i think we're having salad...yea..had 3 home cooked meals today....was eating out ever since i got here...home cooked foood is gooood! =D

pics today:
--> me golfing!!!!!

--> me and my uncle at lei ging wan:

--> me at some drink place in lei ging wan:

Sunday, August 21, 2005

got all soaked today!!...

omg...i've never been so soaked ever in my life!!! it was pouring the ENTIRE day and never stopped and was really heavy throughout!!! ppl complain about rain in van....but i think it's even worse here!! prob cuz i don't have my car!! aww i miss my babee =( yea well today it was so and terry were wearing the same shoes....and our shoes and socks were all wet! it felt so yuccckeeee...ewww =(
and my jacket got soaked too so even when it was cold i couldn't wear it...i hope i don't get sick!!! aiya.... was raining so hard this morning that i had to take the taxi from my house to HKU to meet wasnt that bad tho..only 58hkd...=P and she didnt get some stuff done some offices were closed/ppl didnt go to work today....and then we walked out to the busstop....(this is the start of me getting totally soaked) i said umbrella is so useless here! no coverage at all!!! aii..and then we went to central to meet her yee ma...and we're not going to taiwan anymore....cuz it's pouring buckets there even if we go we wouldn't have any fun! i think we're resorting to macau/cheng jau/lay do/ping jao now..kekek..oh wellz! =P
and then we went to wan chai to find her uncle so that he could drive us to her po po's house so she could get some clothes and so that we could temporarily dry ourselves off! hahaha....
and then we went to shop in a mall near chai wan 2 shirts...and then went to jusco...and i got another mickey shirt....from starrywood this time!!...=D it's nice! it's knit...very softty....
o yea....what got me so frustrated was when i went looking for a "pay" for my bed....and then i found this reaaaaaallly soft and comfy one!!! omg i like SO had to get it!!! i wanted the one in pink!!!! but they were out of stock for twin size!!! the lady kept going like "look yellow is even nicer!" or "green is nice too" or "why don't you get the pink in double size"...OMG!!! WHAT PART OF "I ONLY WANT A PINK TWIN SIZE" DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND???!!! i wanted so badly to strangle her! hahahaa.....terry of coz was beside me lauhging her head off!! hahaha... was so nice of my uncle to come pick me up afterwards cuz i didn't want to get even wetter anymore!!! thx!
and when i got home there were 4 watsons "lam yun mei" water bottles sitting in my rooom!!! ahhhhh...sooooo happpeeeeee....what a surprise!! keke..thx to my uncle! *muah*.....i wanted them so badly and he found them for me!! kekekee...yayayaya...i'm still missing one bottle tho...with lum fung and eason's face one.....oh well...i just wanted the chek hay and chiang ga wing one! kekeekeke....=DDD
well...since i'm not going to taiwan now....i have more time in HK i tomolo is sunday and i have no plans yet.....i think i'll just relax....=)

pics today:
-->me and terry:

--> our soaked pants and matching shoes =P

--> my watsons bottles!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

LFA reunion day...

today was sooo much fun!! i think the funnest day yet that i've been in HK!! saw a lot of my LFA friends..and met suk better send me the stufffff..or else me publicize ur pics! muahaha.hahah..okay "i am normal!!" hahaah..i am tho!! yea..i'm still kinda drunk...i drank a lot of wine at wini's dad's see fong choi's SOOO GOOOD!!! i wanna go there again! hahaha....=DDDD we had soo many laughs!! more like everyone was laughing WITH me..hahaha...yup yup..i'm not that weirdd..hahaha...=PPPPP was just so good to see so many ppl i don't usually have time to seeee...makes me think of was like an LFA reunion..haha..=PP also this morn i went to HKU to get student pic looks hideous! but oh wellz..its okee la...=PP
and also watched 'drink drank drunk' soooo gooooood..sooo funneeeeeeee..i LUV YOU DANIEL hahahahaa..=DDDDD omg he is so hot! hahaha and the storyline is actually really good and sweeeeeet...recommend you guys to watch la!..
and thx to bonbon's parents for driving me home! even tho i pk infront of the elevators and freaked the security guard out that even after i got into the elevator he had to open it again to ask me if i was okay! of course i am..just bruised! hahaha..=PP still have to shower and meet terry at HKU tomolo...=)

pics today:
--> omg he's eating me:

--> another random pic w/ wini and viv (again): =P

--> yumme food:

--> me and flora:

--> me and bonnie:

--> me and debbie:

--> wini...i'm not weird!:

no pic of chrstine or suk suk b/c i don't think they want me to put their pic up! keke...christine..can't wait till you can be crazy like me again!!! get better soooon! =D

Friday, August 19, 2005

another random day w/ wini and viv...

today was another random day in mk....i slept on the couch yesterday cuz my back hurt from sleeping on the floor...i seriously need to move into dorm soon....i need a bed! i miss my soft and comfy and cozy bed and my rooom and my bathrooom!! my down comforter...hahaha...=S
anywayz...while waiting for wini and viv to get up...i watched ocean's i can watch ocean's 12..hahaha..=DD and then the rain kept making me stay at home....cuz i have no you know...and then i finally went to mk to wini's house and we seriously bummed around for what seemed like the longest time..wini went back to bed!! omg..i was like annoying the hell out of her so that she would get up...and then we took random pics...and then finally went "seen tak" to look at phones....i think i'm gonna get the same one as lo one....vs3? something like that...
and then we went to langham place to shop for clothes....i keep getting these mickey things! i don't exaclty like them SO MUCH..but the amount of mickey things i buy makes it seem like i do! haha
and then we went to eat ta been lo..yummee....and then went shopping in mk ctr....bought MORE mickey tops....omg..i cant believe myself sometimes! haha.....

random pics:

Thursday, August 18, 2005

didn't do much today....

woke up near 12pm today...the latest time i woke up in HK so far! haha...i dunno how ppl can sleep in here..somehow i can't but today i did! yay =D anywayz...then i didn't go out till around 5 since i was waiting for wini and viv....while i was at home i rummaged thru my uncle's dvds and found " my left eye sees ghotsts" and watched that again...haha...still so funeee...then i met up with wini and viv and we just hung around causeway bay and shopped a bit..i bought an elmo cup! keke....and then we had dinner..and then me went home! 0 yeaaa..and i don't have an umbrella now cuz wini accidentally broke it! =('s okeee.....i get a tigger one now rite? =PPP gonna watch miriam and daniel's "cheen biew but jwey" tomolo! yeaaaa...=D

a pic of my elmo cup...isn't it so adorable?? =DDD

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

why can't it stop raining?...

it's raining it's pouring....yea..this is HK!'s like on and off which is annoying.... i met up w/ elaine at sogo and then we bussed to HKU....what would i do w/o u lo por? keke...*muah*....then i actually kinda remembered how to get around most places that ivor brought me to...but elaine seemed to know the place more than i do even tho it was her first time there! haha.....i got most of the stuff i need to do at HKU....i can't believe i don't have to reg courses myself! they already did it for me! and if i don't like it i can change it on the first day of's strange how they don't reg until the first day of school and do not find how about when the tutorials until the first day of classes either! weiiird..and ppl don't buy books until after start of's so different from SFU! weiiiiird....anywayz...i still haven't opened a bank account yet cuz i need an address can't get that till after i move into dorm! =S so....after we left HKU we were waiting at the bus stop and out of nowhere Ivor appears behind me! surprised to see him! =P and then elaine had to go home so I walked around sogo for a bit...didn't get anything...and then went to the immigration tower in wanchai to see if i can leave HK on my visa.....i walk like 10 mins to get there...and i get a friendly 2 seconds answer! oh least now i know i CAN leave HK and return while i'm on this student visa! woohoo..=D and then i went to auntie jenny's place to help her with some computer stuff..the ate dinner at some beijing restaurant with her! numee....and then i went home..but on the way home i bought converse shoes! pink! and the kind that doesnt need laces even tho it looks like it needs it! hahah....i wanted to get them in van..but too $$....but so cheap had to get them! i was so good the entire day and didnt buy anything but couldnt resist the attractiveness of those shoes! =S anywayz...went home...and talked to my 3rd couw foo for a long time..haha....i didnt know we had that much to talk about! =P wahaha....i get my own signatured copy of his book now!! teehee..=P

pics today:
--> me and elaine waiting at HKU:

--> my new shoes:

--> my sunny couw foo being weird:

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

pouring rain!...

omg i dun think i've ever seen such hard rain! like an umbrella is like totally useless here!!! it was just a matter of 10 mins when i was walking to the mtr from wini's house to after reaching causeway bay that outside was like pouring!! i was so i gave up trying to take the green bus and just took a taxi need to get even more wet than i already shoes...not waterproof at all are now like still dripping water..and my soaked up past my kneeeees....haiii.....
but at the least the rest of the day was gooood! =) i spent this morning trying to wake wini and viv up....then we met up at "yao yut sing" to eat at KFC and then shop around..i didnt buy anything...surprinsingly! =) and then we went to "sun sai gay" in mk to eat some jap food that wasnt really good....=( but then there was "lam yik bong" singing there! and viv came w/ me to help me take pics!! sowwie wini that we ditched u there for like 5 mins! =S then we went back to her home to watch tv! "doors of vengeance" is not bad...but everybody is so evil....why does tvb like those type of dramas a lot now...oh well....i'll keep watching just for "cheuck hay" kekeke...=P
and then i went back to my home and yea the pouring rain...
here's some random pics:

Sunday, August 14, 2005

A fun yet tiring day...

i finally got to go shopping today!! was so fun yet tiring..and i got to go to HKU today just to walk around and get to know the place...i didnt get any of the admin stuff done since they're all closed on sundays...but at least i know how to get there now from causeway bay and know where i need to go to get all the exchange admin stuff done and get to know some shortcuts, etc.....thx to Ivor!!! and for answering my endless questions! haha..thx! and for showing me good places to eat...=D then i met up w/ my lo gong winiiii and viv and we went eating/shopping around mong kok the rest of the so tired but i bought a lot of stufffies that i needed/wanted!!! and i finally get why ppl were putting "aza aza fighting" on their msn!!!! i think rain is cute now..hahaa....vivian fai d finish watching it so i can watch from the beginning!!! =PPP then close to 11 my uncle called and demanded i come home rite away *grrrr* i need to move into dorm!!! anywayz...dats it for today....=)
this is the hall where i'll be living soon:

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Flight to Hong Kong...

i'm in HK now!!! so happppeeee even tho my flight was delayed taking off and landing!! and it's raining so hard here and lightening and uncle had a hard time seeing the road driving me home.... i woke up at 830 for last minute packing...then went to safeway to get chunk ahoy's for wini! (they're crushed now tho!) and then went to the airport.....i was supposed to meet elaine there at 1030 but i was late...and so thankful for her lining-up and *muah* to my lo por cuz she is just so sweet la! haha....always taking care of me and watching out for me!!! keke...then after checking in we went to eat at 7th heaven w/ my family! yumeee....and so happy my sister came all the way from work to eat w/ me!! and say goodbye =( so sad...then we went to elaine's new house!! (gay! she lives in those nice condos on ur streeeet!! cool eh?) and i said my good-byes to my was so sad....i cried...of so "eye shallow" haha..but it was so sad!
on a brighter note...the flight was awesome!!! thx to elaine and vancci!!! =DDD it seemed to pass by so quickly and the food was good and the shows were gooood too....i finally go to watch madagascar and they had this british show called "gags" was sooooo hilarious i was laughing soooooo hard and Loud toooo wahahaha...=PP and thx to vancci we got to watch the last episode of super trio and some HH3.....the time passed so quickly cuz of that! kakaka..yea!
anywayz....when we almost got there it was "plane traffic jam"....we had to circle in the air a couple fo times.....and it seemed forever before we could land and finally taxi to the gate.....good thing customs didnt take long..but my 2 luggages seemed to take forever to come out!! grrr....haha..thx to elaine for helping me carry my luggage and stay w/ me to get them since she had none!! and so happy my uncle came to pick me up!! thx!! cuz it was pouring sooo hard that i would be so lost and scared trying to get home!!!...*muah* even tho he was complaining the whole way!! wahaha....anywayz...i'm home now and super happpeee i can get wireless int connection here....since my uncle FINALLY changed to broadband! *phew* dun have to deal w/ 56K dialup ever again! =P and i've spread all my stuff in "my room" that it totally looks like my room..wakakakkaa...but i'll be moving out in 2 weeks anywayz...i actually can't wait till i can move into starr hall so i can get everything settled in....well....i dun feel very sleepy at all cuz i slept so much on the plane...but i'll probably try sleeeping now! bibi for now!

this was taken in the car driving in the pouring rain on tsing ma bridge: